Versatile Blogger Award

A big THANK YOU, once more to Yulee Foster,  Miss Philippines UK 2014, for nominating me yet again for another award! This time it’s the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks, Yulee!

The Rules:
1. Show the award on your blog
2. Thank the person who nominated you
3. Share 7 facts about yourself
4. Nominate blogs
5. Link your nominees’ blogs and let them know

My 7 Facts:

  1. I’m a pack rat. A work in progress, but blame it on my “save everything” and overly sentimental Filipino roots…Or at least, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. But of course, my husband doesn’t buy it. 🙂
  2. I’m tall for a Filipina. Mom used to joke that she fed me “orofac” as a kid – some sort of supplement or other that aids livestock’s robust growth. Whatever the reason, my above-average height plus being the only southpaw in our family was enough fodder for my siblings to claim I was adopted…or a mutant…or both.
  3. I went skydiving once. (And I never will again!) The first 30 seconds were sheer terror. But after realizing I was still strapped to my instructor and alive at that, I managed to relax and enjoy the view. Truly an amazing experience, but one that comes only once in a lifetime – at least for me.
  4. Savory (or what I call “salts”) trumps sweets for me any day – with the exception of chocolate, of course. But dark only, please.
  5. Like most Pinoys, I love to travel. Possibly my most memorable spot visited so far was a glacier in Alaska. Walking on one is probably the closest experience one can have to walking on the moon. The quiet solitude and majestic beauty of a glacier feels almost unearthly, otherworldly.
  6. Funny I know, but…I don’t like the sun! Likely an aftereffect of our overly sunny childhood, I still define the “perfect” day as cool and overcast.
  7. I love miniatures, and I love history. I know, I know, that’s two facts, BUT…If I ever go missing, you might try Thorne Miniature Rooms in Chicago or Queen Mary’s Doll’s House in Windsor Castle. 😉

My Nominees:

1. Kristle 
2. Jen
3. Nanay Rochie
4. Amy



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