How to make a Parol (Philippine Christmas lantern)

Growing up in the Philippines, I never made a single parol.

They were ubiquitous, gracing homes for a little over 4 months each year, from the start of September (when Christmas unofficially but unanimously begins in the Philippines) all through the Christmas season. Named after the Spanish word for lantern, farol, they are not only symbols of the Star of Bethlehem, but the quintessential symbol of Christmas in the Philippines as well.

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The Sacrament of Waiting

A dolphin and anchor emblem illustrating “Festina lente” (Make haste slowly) – By Arminiuzz (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
I was reminded of this essay while writing my previous post. Maybe you’ve chanced upon it online yourself, as I did decades ago.

Written by a Jesuit priest in the Philippines, it resonated with me then (not only in matters of the heart, but especially so), as did a wise friend’s admonition to “Make haste slowly”.

Both are ageless in wisdom and ring true, especially to the young – perhaps now more than ever.

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A small world after all

The other day, we attended a picnic for Young Filipino-American families at a park, organized by Venessa of the Filipino School of New York and New Jersey.

As if on cue, the weather obliged us with a near-Philippine high of 94 degrees. And yet, unfazed by the sweltering heat, we all stayed for at least a couple of hours, sharing Pinoy food, games, and pagsasamahan (fellowship) – perhaps just a tiny bit envious of the kids who donned swimsuits to cool off in the park’s water splash area.

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